October 3, 2024 10am - 3:30pm Join Catskill Fungi Founder John Michelotti, the Director of FunDiS, Gabriela D'Elia, and all-round FunGuy Erwin Karl for a Mushroom Walk and Species Survey!
Join us in the morning for an introductory mushroom walk as we explore the fungi we find in the forest of the preserve and the stories they tell us about the forest. We will explore their uses for people and other organisms in the forest.
Following a short lunch break we will focus on teaching about community science and how we can upload high-quality observations to INaturalist to contribute to the Fungal Diversity Survey (FunDiS) of North America.
Admission Free: Donations Accepted Pre-registration suggested: Sign Up by emailing - [email protected]
The Michael Kudish Natural History Preserve is located a few hundred feet, up hill from, 2515 Tower Mountain Road, Stamford, NY 12167. Pass a pond on the right and look for a small opening into a large field on the right. For more info email [email protected] or call Dave (607) 242-1260
John Michelotti is the founder and devotee of Catskill Fungiwhose mission is to empower people with fungi though outdoor educational mushroom classes, cultivation courses, mushroom art, and mushroom health supplements which he produces from mushrooms foraged and grown on and around his family farm in the Catskill Mountains. John is a Former President of the Mid-Hudson Mycological Association (MHMA) and has presented at the Telluride Mushroom Festival, Northeastern Mycological Association Foray, as well as the New York Botanical Gardens. He served on the Mushroom Advisory Panel for Certified Naturally Grown to develop ecological standards in mushroom production. His goal is to educate and inspire people to pair with fungi to improve health, communities, and the environment.