Dr. Kudish has been studying Catskill Mountain Bogs since the 1990's. His research is the foundation for recreating the Forest History of the Catskills since the end of the Ice Age. Bogs were ponds when the glaciers retreated. Which forest species moved in, when, how, where and what are the forested wetlands like today? To get closer to those answers, we have been researching bog after bog after bog, collecting samples, identifying the preserved vegetation and obtaining radio carbon dates. The range, for a decade or more, had been from several thousand years to 14,000 years. But, thanks to the wonderful folks at the Mountain Top Arboretum last year, we discovered that their Emerald Bog revealed some of the oldest vegetative fossils of all of the bogs thus far cored, coming in at 14,900 (+- 190) years old. On Sunday, June 25, 2017 we returned to the site to investigate a "sister" bog adjacent to Emerald. Results pending.